13 Powerful Books to Read When You Feel Lost in Life

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books to read when you feel lost

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There comes a time in everyone’s life when you feel lost. We want to have everything figured out and tend to overthink. This is the point in life where we must be present and search for the right answers. Looking for books to read when you feel lost?

I faced this dilemma when I graduated high school. I’d finished 12 long and gruelling years of schooling to feel empty and lost in life. But I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

I began to try everything I wanted to pursue. From reading books all the way to coding. In this space of time, I can’t say I found myself. But through these experiences, I put on myself, I gained a better insight into what the future would be like.

These 13 books played a pivotal role in clearing my head and finding myself. There’s no point in overthinking, it’s time to get your life back in order. This list is comprised of the best books to read when you feel lost.

13 Books to Read When You Feel Lost in Life 

1. Atomic Habits – James Clear 

Atomic Habits is one of my all-time favourite books, filled with wisdom and life-changing ideologies. Whenever I feel a bit lost or out of my usual routine I tend to go to a random section of the book and read it. You always learn new concepts from it and James Clear does an immaculate job at articulating small changes that can make a big impact in your life. 

This not only helps with being stuck, but it also helps you get your life back together. I know when I read this, I was going through a rough phase in my life where I felt completely lost. I finished high school and didn’t have any idea what I wanted to do? Do I go to university or do I start my own business or do I travel? 

2. Can’t Hurt Me – David Goggin’s 

Can’t Hurt Me is a perfect read for anyone who doesn’t know where to go in life and is feeling stuck. It’s the raw story of David Goggin, an Ex Navy Seal who defied all odds to conquer any goal he had in mind. It shows the vulnerability and the challenges he faced early in his life and how against all odds he overcame it all.

This book was a great starting point for me to build on. I got hooked on David Goggin’s and have been following his work ever since. 

3. The Mountain is You – Brianna Wiest

The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest is a phenomenal piece that focuses on the life you want. It’s empowering and shows that any obstacle that’s holding you back can be conquered like a mountain. 

It has great real-life examples and it’s written by a fantastic author. It shows that you need a genuine desire to achieve your goals and lit a fire within me to work hard and set real-life goals that I would like to achieve in my life. 

4. Ikigai – Héctor García and Francesc Miralles

An international bestseller that shows you how to live a long and happy life. It’s centred around the study of centenarians, which are groups of people living past the age of 100. Ikigai shares the secrets that have allowed people to live long yet meaningful lives. With many lessons such as living by your means, nutrition, community and much more.

It focuses on the residents of the Okinawa Prefecture in Japan and dives into great detail about the lives of the centurions living there. It shows a perspective that people don’t think of and it shows just how long and beautiful life truly can be. 

5. The Happiest Refugee – Anh Do

I always saw this book when I was younger but never got to read it. But I recently had the chance to read this amazing and eye-opening book by Anh Do. He’s referred to as one of Australia’s heroes. The book covers his tragic story as he and his family flee from Vietnam through unimaginable hardships to finally arrive in Australia. 

It goes to show the privilege that people in 1st world countries take for granted. It has its lows and highs and has some great jokes between. It’s phenomenal to give your mind some inspiration about what others have done when they were feeling lost. 

6. The Subtle Art of Not giving a f*** – Mark Manson

This is another must-read whenever you’re feeling lost and anxious about your life. It’s referred to as a “self-help” book but I prefer to say it’s a book full of life lessons that can be implemented into your life. It’s written in a way that’s engaging but still gets the main message across. 

It shows us how to only give a f*** about matters that are immediate and worth your time. Instead of over-thinking and trying to impress others or get a nicer car, you should be happy with who you are and focus your time on what matters most to you. 

You can flip to any page of the book and there’s always something new to learn. I re-read this book to remind myself to give less f****. 

7. In Order To Live – Yeonmi Park 

Yeonmi Parks “In Order To Live” recounts the struggles she and her family endured to escape the totalitarian likes of North Korea. It’s a gut-wrenching story that recounts her experiences both in North Korea and how she ended up in the US. 

It’s a true story that feels like fiction. You get a strong attachment for Yeonmi and her family and it goes to show how different people have lived their lives. It’s another sensational story that’s empowering and eye-opening.  

8. Fastlane Millionaire – MJ Demarco 

I felt stuck after graduating high school. I wondered what I should do next. I wanted to achieve financial freedom for myself and my family. But when you have no real guidance everything feels pointless. The Fastlane Millionaire was the guidance that helped me. 

This isn’t another financial book. It’s a book based on real-life experiences that the author went through. It gives you a step-by-step guideline of what it takes to become a millionaire and be financially free. I know many people tend to feel lost about money, which is why this is one of my favourite books on the topic of wealth creation. 

9. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a world-renowned book that countless people have read. It’s a fictional story that’s centred around the journey of Santigo. A young shepherd who has recurring dreams of buried treasure at the foot of the Egyptian pyramids. He ends up selling his flock of sheep to pursue the adventure of his life.

Not only is this book entertaining, but it has many lessons that can get you out of a lump. The most important thing is to take action and keep going regardless of the obstacles ahead. A key quote within the book goes as follows, “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.” 

10. The Courage to be Disliked – Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga

Learn to live a life in which you dare to be disliked. A mind-numbing book that focuses on the topic of Adlerian psychology. 

It shows us how the way we view others is putting us down. Instead, we should view everyone as equals, not on pedestals that are higher or lower. It shows that being able to face rejection and be disliked is true freedom: “Freedom is being Disliked by other people.” 

11. The Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel

If you’re having money problems and want to set yourself up for financial freedom and wealth then “The Psychology of Money:” is a must-read book. It doesn’t tell you to save money like most books, it deploys several strategies that can help you make more money as well as save.

It provided a broader view of how money is viewed and how you need to change the way you look at it. It explains the many factors in play such as luck. It explains the difference between getting wealthy and staying wealthy.

12. This is going to Hurt – Adam Kay

If you’re thinking about pursuing a career in the health industry, specifically medicine, I can’t recommend this enough. Adam Kay records his daily life as a Junior Doctor in the UK. It goes over the life-and-death decisions a doctor goes through daily. 

As a frontline worker in the NHS (National Health Service), Adam worked his whole life to become a doctor. This showcases everything you’ve ever wanted to know that goes on behind the scenes.

13. The Magic of Thinking Big – David Schwartz 

If you’ve ever wanted to shift your mind and learn to achieve any goal in mind, then The Magic of Thinking Big is for you. It’s a game-changing book that tells you how to succeed and live a happy life. 

It’s all about being an activist, not a bystander. “When you believe, really believe, something can be done, your mind goes to work for you and helps you find the ways to do it.”

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